Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well, it has almost been three weeks for me on my tour of Europe. I have been online a few times and I have found that I was lucky at the first internet cafe: they let me hook up my camera and upload some pictures. Everywhere else has not allowed this.

SO, I will be posting lots of pictures and comments when I get back and semi-recovered from the trip.

For now, a quick update...

After Rome, we made quick stops in Podova, Pisa, Ravenna and Venice Italy. Pisa was only worth the two corny foto's that we took there. Venice was interesting to see the water streets, the glass was overly ornate, overly gold-leafed and definately overly priced.

Saltzburg was very cool. Green scenery and a slower feel. We made a stop at the Mauthausen concentration camp. That ruined the whole day. Berlin was also rather dismal.

We are now in Munich, Germany. A large city feel with a lot of different nationalities. It somewhat feels like the US, but everyone speaks German except me. The Germans are more approachable than the Italians, but not by much.

Three more stops on the tour: Geneva, Switzerland, Paris and London. Time moves quickly. It doesn't seem like it has been this long or that I have been in so many places...

It will be nice to be back in Rexburg, where I know how to talk to everyone, know my way around and don't have to convert everything from the Euro price to American to know how much it really costs...

Until next time...

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Did you go to the crazy man water park in Salzburg? I missed it while I was there and am still a little bummed about that.